Can Dandruff Cause White Hair? – Best Health Guidelines
Dandruff is a common ailment that causes the skin on the scalp to flake. It isn’t contagious or severe. But it can be embarrassing and uneasy to treat. Mild dandruff can be addressed with a light daily shampoo. If that doesn’t work, a medicated shampoo may assist.
On the other hand, people are confused with the connection between grey hair and grey hair and dandruff. Before going into the discussion, we have to have some information about the symptoms and causes of grey hair.
What is Dandruff?
Dandruff occurs when tiny dry skin fragments are shed from the scalp. You might notice these flakes in your hair or on your shoulders. Dandruff may make your scalp itching, too. It’s a common problem, but it isn’t as straightforward as it looks. Dandruff is pretty tough to diagnose because it overlaps with seborrheic dermatitis (a chronic form of eczema) and other skin disorders that lead to a scaly scalp. Here’s everything you need to know.
Symptoms of Dandruff
Lakes and an itchy, scaly scalp are the significant symptoms of dandruff. White, oily flakes often gather in your hair and on your shoulders and often develop worse during the fall or winter months, when the air is dry.
Additional symptoms can include:
- erythema, which is red areas on the skin of the scalp
- Eyebrow dandruff
- Loss of hair
- Dry flakes on the skin
Why Does Someone Have Grey Hair?
The color of the hair turns grey with age, and it is one of the most visible symptoms of aging. But for many people, grey hair is observed, and there are many reasons for this.
The causes of premature greying of hair could be nutrition and proteins lack in the hair cells, emotional or physical stress, and dandruff. Other common causes of premature greying of hair are an untidy condition of the scalp, washing the hair with very hot water, drying it with an electric drier, and using hair dyes. Heredity is also a predisposing factor. If there is a nutritional deficiency, give your diet an overhaul if you lack vital nutrients for growth and switch to foods for good hair.
Here are some factors that cause grey hair:
- Genetic defects
- Hormones
- Body distribution
- Age
- Climate
- Pollutants
- Toxins
- Chemical exposure
Dandruff and Grey Hair
Usually, dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis don’t create grey hair. However, there are abnormalities with the scalp that can contribute to it. A dry scalp itself won’t generate grey hair, but some of the variables that promote a dry scalp can also be connected to a loss of pigmentation. If there is grey hair, you must get rid of it, very gently chop it off. Plucking can traumatize the hair follicle, and repeated trauma to any follicle can cause infection, scar development, or possibly lead to bald patches. It is not dandruff that causes grey hair, but other factors affect dandruff and the hair color simultaneously.
Is There any Solution of Grey Hair?
Unfortunately, there is no method to reverse the effects of your hair becoming grey, no matter the cause. Once a follicle has been destroyed, that particular strand of hair will remain grey. The only way to potentially reverse the effects is if your body had some underlying unusual sickness that prompted it.
So, while there is no way to turn back the hands of time, even with premature greying, there are things you can do to help disguise your grey hair and measures to avoid more greying.
While the most efficient way to cover whitened hair is coloring, it might be detrimental over time if you choose to color your select hair products without hazardous chemicals or ammonia. The more natural of an effect, the better it is.
Grey hair is a symptom of aging, but if you have grey hair at a young age, you may have changes int eh pigmentation. Many people think that dandruff is the reason behind premature grey hair, but it is not valid. Once the scalps are covered with dandruff, there may be some changes in the pigmentation, but it is not suitable for all types of premature grey hair. If you have such kinds of issues, you should consult a best dermatologist. You can easily access them through Marham.pk. In this way, you can easily have online meetings, calls, or video calls with the experts. Moreover, you can also book the physical session easily.
1. Should I wash my hair every day if I have dandruff?
Frequent bathing with a regular shampoo is an essential treatment for dandruff. Use a regular shampoo to eliminate the scales as quickly as they appear. In addition, the detergents in the shampoo will cause smaller, less noticeable flakes to shed.
2. What happens if you pick your dandruff?
Picking at your scalp doesn’t necessarily cause hair loss. But it does raise your risk of acquiring folliculitis. This is a typical ailment that arises when your hair follicles are irritated. There are numerous varieties of folliculitis, but a bacterial infection usually causes it.
3. Does grey hair originate at the root?
Hair greys or whites from the root. When your body decides that it no longer wants to generate melanin, it starts when it chooses, which is at the core. The only time it will start from the tip (the dead hair) is when chemical interactions cause it to do so.